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Ew! Gross! 
Ellie Tschetter


Rationale: This lesson teaches students about the long vowel correspondence ew/oo =/U/. The students must be able to spell, recognize, and read words containing the correspondence ew/oo in order to learn how to read. They will get a lot of practice with this correspondence by doing a letterbox lesson in this plan.




  1. Letterbox cards

  2. Letter tiles

  3. Word List

  4. Whiteboard and markers

  5. Decodable book: Snoop the Crime Dog

  6. Cover up critter

  7. Assessment worksheet




Say: For us to become great readers, we need to learn the codes that help us pronounce words. You should already know how to read the short vowel u words. We are now going to learn how to read words with the long vowel U. Two combinations of letters that makes the /U/ doesn't even have the letter u in it. How crazy is that?! This combination is -ew  and the other is -oo (I will write those on whiteboard). When I say /U/ it makes me think that something is gross or smelly. What do we do when something is smelly? (grab nose and waft away smell while saying eww!) Can you do that with me? (repeat smelly gesture)


Say: Before we learn how to spell words with /U/, we should learn how to listen for the sound in words. When words have ew/oo= /U/, we hear the ew (make visual gesture). sound. When you say the /U/, your lips will make a tiny circle like you are whistling. (model this vocal gesture). I will show you: grew, did you see my mouth make a small circle and hear the ew sound? Now I am going to say some words and if you hear ew/oo=/U/ then I want you to hold your nose. Words: flew, lame, brew, fun, new, goose, broom.


Say: Now I am going to show you how to spell words with ew= /U/. I am going to spell the word flew in my letterboxes. I know that the word flew has three phonemes in it, so I am going to make three letter boxes on the board. (layout three letterbox cards). Now I am going to stretch out the word /f/l/ew/. I can hear /f/ so I am going to put f in the first box. I can hear /l/ next so I am going to put the l in the second box. I can hear the ew (make gesture) at the end of the word so I am going to put ew in the last box together to make the /U/ sound.


Say: Now we are all going to spell words using our letter boxes. For the first word we need two letter boxes to spell the word new. Let’s stretch out the word together /n/ew/. What should we put in the first box? The second box? (listen and respond to students   answers). Good, now let’s try some words that need three letterboxes. (After you call out each word walk around to different tables to assist and watch students in smaller groups). Word list: flew, blew, crew, knew, moon, pool, food.


Say: Now we are going to practice reading words with ew/oo. First I am going to show you how to read a tough word like, stoop. First I see an oo signaling it says eww (make ew gesture). Now I am going to use my cover up critter for the rest of the word

/s/t/oo/p. The word is stoop! Now let’s read all the words together on the word list poster first. Word List: flew, blew, crew, knew, moon, pool, food.


Say: Now that we know how to listen for, spell, and read  ew/oo= /U/, we are going to read a book called Snoop the Crime Dog.  A goose went missing from Loon Pond and Snoop the crime dog is on the case. Will he be able to find the missing goose? Let’s read and find out! Let’s get with our reading partners and take turns reading this book. (walk around the room assisting the each group.) After the book is read, we will reread all together as a group. Use your coverup critter if you get stuck on a word.


Say: That was an interesting story, right? Was Snoop able to find the goose? Now I have a worksheet that you are going to do to finish up our lesson. You are going to first sort words into columns based on the letter combination of ew/oo=/U/. Fill in the blanks in sentences with the words using ew/oo=/U/ in the word box, then you will use words with the /U/ sound to make three sentences on your own.




Decodable book:




Bryant, L. Ew! Taste this Stew!


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